Love INC of Brevard’s Season of Giving Brings Abundant Blessings to Local Families

MELBOURNE, FL -January 15, 2024 – Love INC of Brevard is thrilled to announce the overwhelming success of their 2024 Season of Giving campaign! Through the incredible support of donors and volunteers, Love INC served 29 families, including 80 children, providing them with a joyous and meaningful Christmas.

Despite a slow start, the faithfulness and generosity of the community shone brightly, resulting in an overabundance of blessings to families in need this holiday season. Parents expressed heartfelt gratitude as they picked up their gift cards, moved by the kindness and support from their community.

“This outpouring of love and generosity is a testament to the power of community and faith,” said Kristy Stuart, Executive Director of Love INC of Brevard. “We are overwhelmed by the kindness of our donors and the inspiring stories of families who chose to share their blessings with others.”

One touching story emerged from a mother of three, who shared how her children decided to pool their resources to purchase a Nintendo Switch to share. Recognizing the true meaning of the season, they then used their remaining gift cards to sponsor Angel Tree children at their local church, paying forward the blessings they received.

“The selflessness of these children reflects the true spirit of the season,” said Client Services Coordinator, Maureen Thompson. “Seeing families not only receive joy but also give joy to others is a true testament to the power of community.”

Love INC of Brevard extends a heartfelt thank you to all who participated and donated to help make this season unforgettable. Their faithfulness and generosity have made a lasting impact on so many families – not only by providing gifts, but also by inspiring acts of kindness and community connection that will ripple far beyond the holidays.

As Love INC of Brevard looks to the year ahead, they remain committed to transforming lives through tangible acts of love and compassion, empowered by the support of their incredible community. For more information about Love INC of Brevard or ways to support their mission or become involved, please visit

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Love INC of Brevard connects people in need with resources, skills, and caring
relationships through the collaborative efforts of local churches, community
organizations, and volunteers. By offering holistic solutions and transformative programs,
Love INC empowers individuals and families to break cycles of poverty and build
sustainable futures. For more information, visit


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