Life Curricula

"Life Skills For Life Transformation"
At Love In the Name of Christ (Love INC) of Brevard the heartbeat of our ministry is our client-mentorship program. As clients move through our mentorship program, one of the ways we are preparing them to re-enter our community as contributors for the greater good is through a series of life skills courses we call Life Curricula. Each Life Curricula course takes place at a host church over an 8 to 10 week minimester. At the beginning of each session, participants, volunteers, and allies share a meal together around one table before splitting into their small classroom learning environments.

Learn More About Courses Offered

We offer a range of courses from personal finance to employment readiness; and each course is designed to build-up the participants emotionally, physically, spiritually, and relationally. We have 3-4 minimesters each year, and during each minimester, multiple courses are being held simultaneously so that a motivated participant could move through all of our courses in a 12-18 month span. All of the hard work our participants put into the courses eventually culminates in a graduation ceremony where we honor those who have completed the full Life Curricula course load.

As clients work through all of our life skills courses associated with Life Curricula our goal is to provide them with a well-rounded, real-world education so they can go on to live healthy, sustainable lives as contributors to the greater good of our community.

Upcoming Semester: January 19th – March 9th
$20 Program Fee
(5-7pm on Sundays at Melbourne First Church of the Nazarene)

Work Life

A Biblically-integrated job preparedness program empowering unemployed and under-employed individuals to find work and flourish in it!
Faith and Finances logo

Faith And Finances

A Christ-centered personal finance course


A Biblically-centered approach to achieving true and lasting life change

by Dr. Henry Cloud

Learn how to set healthy limits in relationships

Volunteer Opportunities

Anyone can be part of Life Curricula: if you like to prepare and serve meals we do a meal for everyone at the beginning of each session; if you like to work in childcare we provide childcare for our participants who need this service in order to participate in the courses; we have lots of one-on-one volunteer opportunities we call Allies for people who want to walk alongside participants helping them finish their courses; if you’re a skilled teacher we need you to help teach courses in fun and engaging ways.